This approach creates a perfect one-to-one match between the search term, keyword, ad, and
The result is higher click-through rates (CTR) and quality scores, and ultimately an increase in the return on ad spend.
A powerful Single Theme Ad Group (STAGs) creator as well.
Aori is the most powerful AdWords tool I’ve ever used. In five minutes I’m able to build thousands of SKAGs, compose corresponding dynamic keyword ads, prune the underperforming ad groups and double down on the high performers. It’s awesome.
Pros: Easy to set up, very reasonably priced and it will make managing my ads account easier. Cons: None so far. The platform created about 1200 ads in a matter of minutes, with just a few minutes spent adding some details. That’s pretty cool!
I’m a big believer in the power of SKAGs to improve ROAS, but they are a pain to create and manage. Aori makes the SKAG building process super simple and time saving. Highly recommended platform.