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Committing changes to a live campaign

How to save changes in Aori to Google Ads/Microsoft Advertising

When editing campaigns in Aori it is important to note the workflow for making and updating changes to the campaigns.

When working inside Aori, all changes made to the campaign will automatically be saved in Aori but not automatically committed to Google Ads/Microsoft Advertising. This is a safety precaution to prevent any unwanted changes being committed to a live campaign. This means that there can be two versions of your campaign: the one seen in Aori and the one in Google ads/Microsoft Advertising.

For example, if a campaign is built in Aori and then uploaded to Google Ads and then that campaign's keywords are updated in Aori, those updates will be saved in Aori, but not yet synced to Google Ads/Microsoft Advertising.

In order to commit the changes in Aori to Google Ads/Microsoft Advertising, the "Review" step must be passed. This is the trigger that uploads any changes Google Ads/Microsoft Advertising.

For example, to upload an update to keywords, this would be the workflow: build campaign in Aori -> upload this campaign to Google Ads -> update the keywords in Aori by navigating to the keywords step -> update the keywords -> navigate to the "Review" step -> click "Continue." A similar workflow would be used for updating the ads.

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