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LegalRise agency

How LegalRise uses Aori to boost campaign performance for its clients

"They really have helped bring our costs down tremendously. We have had great results since switching. Using SKAG in combination with great negative keywords and modifiers - you will see the results in no time."

About LegalRise

LegalRise is a marketing agency out of New York focusing on growing businesses in the legal industry, offering services including SEO, content marketing and PPC. One client he has that has seen particularly strong results is Sadek and Cooper Law Offices in Philadelphia.

LegalRise's thoughts on Aori and SKAGs

The founder of LegalRise, Tom LaScola, quickly noticed how SKAGs improved his campaign performance:

They really have helped bring our costs down tremendously. We have had great results since switching. Using SKAG in combination with great negative keywords and modifiers - you will see the results in no time.

At the same time, he noticed how difficult SKAGs are to build manually. He noted:

The creation of SKAG was quite a headache to manage and tweak.

From his experience with Aori:

Aori makes the creation of single keyword ad groups much easier. This, in combination with the automatic modifier creation, makes this one of the best tools on the market for PPC.

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