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Gabru Concepts

How this website developer uses Aori to save hours of work creating SKAGs.

"Quick to generate a large number of ad variants and finally see what works."

About Gabru Concepts

Gabru Concepts helps businesses build a bigger brand with beautiful, functional websites and digital marketing that utilizes the latest trends in the PPC industry. In particular, they focus on Google Ads, local SEO and website development.

What makes Gabru Concepts unique?

Gabru Concepts uses the latest techniques, software and SKAGs to help businesses get a better return on investment every month by optimising campaigns to increase traffic, decrease cost per click while maintaing a great click though rate and ad quality.

When it comes to Google Ads, their focus is on:

  • Adwords Setup
  • Campaign Planning
  • Appealing Ads
  • Bid Management
  • Campaign Enhancement

What problems did Gabru Concepts face with Google Ads?

Creating campaigns in Google Ads takes a long time. This is especially true if you use Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs) or Single Theme Ad Groups (STAGs).

One of the problems is the Google Ads Interface itself. It's clunky. It pushes marketers toward smart bidding strategies and away from manual bidding.

Another problem is the amount of tabs you need to bounce between in order to effectively add keywords. Google's Keyword Planner, for example, is in its own interface. It can take twelve clicks to add one SKAG.

Taken together, campaign creation for Gabru Concepts could at times eat up an entire day.

That was a lot of wasted hours that could have been spent on strategy, client outreach and campaign optimization.

Switching to Aori

When Gabru Concepts made the switch to Aori, the results were immediately clear. They note:

"Once I have an idea, like creating a campaign based on a theme, I do not procrastinate on it anymore because it might take a whole day. I simply jump on Aori and set the campaign up in less than 30 minutes."

Tasks that took up hours now take minutes. Aori's interface is clean. All the information you need to create an effective campaign is in one place.

Marketers avoid SKAGs for large campaigns because of the long time it takes to set them up. With Aori, this is no longer a problem.

Gabru Concepts' thoughts on SKAGs vs STAGs

We asked Gabru Concepts what their thoughts were on Single Keyword Ad Groups (SKAGs) vs Single Theme Ad Groups (STAGs) and which they prefer. Here's what they had to say:

"For me themes work better than SKAGs because of the increased traffic to the ad group that gets pooled together from several closely related keywords. But it depends on the situation, both strategies work great given the appropriate time and place."

Connect with us!

Need a personalized website and digital marketing strategy? You can connect with Gabru Concepts at their website here.

Want to save hours on your Google Ads campaigns when creating SKAGs the way Gabru Concepts has done? Give the SKAG tool and STAG tool they use for their Google Ads campaigns a shot.

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